Friday, March 20, 2009

Thoughts on WV's Start-Up Workshop


World Vision has just completed its agency start-up workshop.  The agenda was packed but it was encouraging to see, feel, and hear high energy levels throughout the two days of discussions.  Having balanced representation from HQ, regional staff, and country consortia contributed to this energy as many regional and field participants were together in the same room for the very first time, which meant they were eager to ‘compare notes’ and learn from each other.  Another energy boost came from the facilitator – WV’s ECB Manager – who was able to create linkages in terms of the relevance of ECB.   The workshop was designed around a series of conversations – very little PowerPoint – which also kept energy levels up.  Timing really is everything.  The WV APIP is being designed at just the time when annual plans and WV’s 2010-1015 emergency strategy is being developed.

What was also interesting was how lessons from ECB phase I were shared.  Rather than present the usual list of achievements, four individuals – someone from HQ, regional, field, and an advisor – were asked to share how ECB phase I impacted them both professionally and personally.  For the visioning exercise, the question focused on what success would look like for accountability, staff capacity, and DRR, rather than emphasizing success for WV or ECB.  This approach helped ground expectations for program quality.  Then, in reviewing the outputs and tools from phase I, it was energizing to hear discussions about how key papers and research reports from phase I could be converted into tools during phase II.  This was amazing because it meant that the compilation of knowledge and ideas from phase I would not sit on a shelf to collect dust, but could be reviewed and re-designed into something practical. 

The key lesson:  keep energy levels up!



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