Friday, March 20, 2009

Thouhts on Mercy Corps' Start-Up Workshop

To put it simply, MC's start-up workshop was fun!  It was a small core group (of about 8 or 9 individuals), but an energetic and entrepreneurial group.  We accomplished a lot and identified real tangibles that are actually doable within time and resource constraints.  Nonetheless, the vision after 5 years delivers for MC key results that are anticipated to have a big impact both on and for the organization.  Most importantly, the activities reflected the identity and culture of the organization - I could see smiles on the participants' faces as they talked about what really stood out for them.  A few MC staff popped in and out of the meetings  - but they were engaged at just the right times to add rich substance to the discussions - a real plus!!
We now have a new commitment for ECB - to have squishy toys at every meeting, workshop, learning event, and conference call!!  Sounds mushy, but they were a tangible contribution in lightening the atmosphere.  Could they become the next generation of ECB tools to help build individual and organizational dexterity?  We shall see!
Key lesson:  keep ECB real by explicitly linking it to ongoing and planned organizational activities.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

11:43 PM  

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